Pfaffenwaldring 31
70569 Stuttgart
Room: V04.424
- Thermal Energy Storage, Thermo- and Fluid-Dynamics, Computer Simulation
- Head of Research Group Thermal Energy Storage
- Secondary employment as Head of Research at TREAVES GmbH
- Projects:
- 2022 - 2026: TPPS: Modeling and simulation of a thermal pumped piston storage within a renewable energy supply system
- 2021 - 2025: SFB1244 - TP C06: Adaptive, facade-integrated adsorption systems for thermal management of lightweight buildings
- 2019 - 2021: EDNES – Development and demonstration of a Zero-Energy-Sauna
List of publications: Download-Link
Conference presentations: Download-Link
Schaefer, M.: „ Modeling and simulation of closed low-pressure adsorbers for thermal energy storage“, University of Stuttgart, 2019, Summa cum laude,
Selected publications:
Haeuslein, D.; Schmidt-Vollus, R.; Popp, M.; Schaefer, M.: “ Dynamic modeling, design and simulation of a thermal pumped piston storage within a renewable energy distribution system”, Energy Storage, Elsevier, 2024,
Li, Q.; Boeckmann, O.; Schaefer, M.: „ Systematic screening and evaluation for an optimal adsorbent in a facade-integrated adsorption-based solar cooling system for high-rise buildings”, Energy, Elsevier, 2024,
Bockemann, O.; Marmullaku, D.; Schaefer, M.: „ Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Facade-Integrated Adsorption System for Solar Cooling of Lightweight Buildings“, Energies, MPDI, 2024,
Schaefer, M.; Raab, A.; Gerle, M.; Pfeiler, D.; Vogel, J.; Thess, A.: “ Development of a zero-energy-sauna: Simulation study of thermal energy storage”, Energy and Buildings, Elsevier, 2021,
Schaefer, M.; Thess, A.: “Modeling and simulation of closed low-pressure zeolite adsorbers for thermal energy storage” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier, 2019,
Lectures and seminars:
- Engineering Thermodynamics I
- Engineering Thermodynamics II
- Thermodynamics of Energy Storage
- Culinary Thermodynamics
Student thesis:
- Supervision and examination of Bachelor-, Research-, and Master-Thesis in the fields:
Thermal Energy Technology and Storage, Thermo- and Fluid-Dynamics, Computer Simulation - Overview of supervised Student Thesis
Practical courses:
- Demand-responsive cooling through thermal energy storage
- Simulation of a compressed air energy storage
04/2019: Promotion (summa cum laude)
Dissertation: "
Modeling and simulation of closed low-pressure adsorbers for thermal energy storage
Prof. Dr. André
since 08/2018: Leader of Research Group " Thermal Energy Storage Simulation"
since 01/2014: Research associate at the University of Stuttgart
10/2011 - 11/2013: Master-Studies Mechanical and Process Engineering, Technical University Darmstadt
04/2008 - 04/2011: Bachelor-Studies Mechanical Engineering, Technical University Ilmenau