Research focus
The Building Energy Systems and Building Automation team addresses energetic issues of buildings as well as of individual system components and energy systems for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. The evaluation correlates with the demand development, i.e. based on the case of application, the benefit transfer in the room, via the distribution, storage, and the generation of energy.
The behavior of buildings and systems is investigated via coupled building and systems simulations or computational fluid dynamics. Besides, system components are investigated in laboratory tests or with the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) method.
BIMPact – Development of a stable and secure cloud-based building control with meta data analysis and multi-view BIM models
In this subproject, the cloud-based building control with meta data analysis and multi-view BIM models – developed in the overall project – shall be scientifically and technically evaluated. -
HeatVentCon – Cross-system control strategies for an energetically optimized operation of residential ventilation and heating systems
The objective of the research project is to develop optimized cross-functional control processes for residential ventilation equipment and heating systems. A key aspect is the continuous information exchange of relevant system parameters between both systems. A real-time communication shall be developed for the exchange of the relevant information used by both systems for a demand-orientated control. -
MiniKüWeE – Minimization of the cooling energy demand of non-residential buildings and transition to a flexible load by using heat pipes in combination with renewable energies
In the research project, the energetic and economical potential is investigated regarding the use of heat pipes in combination with renewable energies for the minimization of the cooling energy demand of non-residential buildings and an appropriate transition to a flexible load. A passive heat removal shall be achieved by using heat pipes as thermal component activation. -
ReVaD – Development of controllable vacuum thermal insulation elements for a demand-oriented adaptation of the heat transfer of building envelopes, building structures and the thermal activation of storage mass
In the project, adaptive insulation elements shall be developed based on the Knudsen effect. -
RoBewEnt – Robuste Bewertung von Entrauchungssystemen in Hallen und Atrien unter unsicheren Randbedingungen
In diesem Projekt sollen parallel 2 Berechnungsansätze (analytisch mit Kennzahlen sowie stochastisch mit Monte-Carlo-Simulationen) zur Rauchausbreitung und Rauchgasschichtung in typischen Gebäudegeometrien entwickelt werden, um mit diesen Erkenntnissen ein für die Anwender (überwiegend KMU) einfach nutzbares Berechnungstool speziell für komplexere Geometrien ableiten zu können. Mit den Verfahren und dem Berechnungstool sollen natürliche und maschinelle Entrauchungssysteme ganzheitlich bewertet werden können.
- T. Jourdan, M. Barghash, L. Siebler, T. Henzler, and K. Stergiaropoulos, “Regelstrategien für Wohnungslüftung und Heizung,” DKV Tagung 2023, Hannover, 2023.
- T. Jourdan, M. Barghash, L. Siebler, T. Henzler, and K. Stergiaropoulos, “Systemübergreifende Regelung von Wohnungslüftungs-und Heizungssystemen,” TGA Kongress 2023, Berlin, 2023.
- A. Berg, T. Henzler, K. Stergiaropoulos, M. Schwarz, and R. Wagner, “Bewertung und Optimierung der Luftführung in Klassenräumen bei maschineller Lüftung,” KKA – Kälte Klima Aktuell, Gütersloh, pp. 55–58, 2022.
- A. Berg, T. Rahtje, T. Henzler, K. Stergiaropoulos, M. Schwarz, and R. Wagner, “Planungsleitfaden zur maschinellen Luftführung in Klassenräumen,” TGA-Report (Fachverband Gebäude-Klima e. V.), Ludwigsburg, pp. 1–32, 2022.
- C. Karczewski, “Flexibilitätspotential durch prädiktive Regelung von Wärmepumpen,” Elektro Wirtschaft, Dortmund, 2022.
- C. Karczewski, T. Henzler, and K. Stergiaropoulos, “Flexibilitätspotential von prädiktiv geregelten Wärmepumpen,” KI - Kälte Luft und Klimatechnik, Ausgabe 06-07/2022, 2022, [Online]. Available: /brokenurl#Heidelberg
- C. Karczewski, T. Henzler, and K. Stergiaropoulos, “Increasing the Energy Flexibility of Buildings controlled by Model Predictive Control,” CLIMA2022 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress, Rotterdam, 2022.
- C. Karczewski, J. Tholen, and M. Schäfer, “Smart-Energy-Sauna: CO2-Optimal Charging of a Thermal Energy Storage through Model Predictive Control,” HEFAT-ATE 2022 16th International Conference, Amsterdam/Online, 2022.
- D. Schwede and Y. Wang, “Reference weather datasets for building simulation in Vietnam considering thermal and hygrothermal characteristics,” Building and Environment, vol. 220, p. 109022, Jul. 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109022.
- Y. Wang, F. Frey, D. Schwede, and K. Stegiaropoulos, “Recognition and Analysis of Air-conditioner Operation Based on Basic IAQ-monitoring,” The 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress (CLIMA 2022 ), Rotterdam (Die Niederlande), 2022.

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Henzler
Coordinator of Teaching; Team Lead