Research focus
The Indoor Climate Technology team addresses the subject of indoor comfort while considering not only thermal but also air quality aspects. One focus is the characterization and quantification of air flows and pollutant concentrations as well as their efficient dilution of removal, for residential and non-residential buildings. In particular for indoor areas in manufacturing sites, concepts are developed and verified for air pollution control at workplaces and thus the detection of pollutants. In addition to the removal of substances such as CO2, the focus has shifted to the investigation of aerosol-related infections and protection through various ventilation measures. Investigations are based on computational fluid dynamics or in-situ or laboratory tests (e.g. in room air flow laboratory).
HeatVentCon – Cross-system control strategies for an energetically optimized operation of residential ventilation and heating systems
The objective of the research project is to develop optimized cross-functional control processes for residential ventilation equipment and heating systems. A key aspect is the continuous information exchange of relevant system parameters between both systems. A real-time communication shall be developed for the exchange of the relevant information used by both systems for a demand-orientated control. -
RoBewEnt – Robuste Bewertung von Entrauchungssystemen in Hallen und Atrien unter unsicheren Randbedingungen
In diesem Projekt sollen parallel 2 Berechnungsansätze (analytisch mit Kennzahlen sowie stochastisch mit Monte-Carlo-Simulationen) zur Rauchausbreitung und Rauchgasschichtung in typischen Gebäudegeometrien entwickelt werden, um mit diesen Erkenntnissen ein für die Anwender (überwiegend KMU) einfach nutzbares Berechnungstool speziell für komplexere Geometrien ableiten zu können. Mit den Verfahren und dem Berechnungstool sollen natürliche und maschinelle Entrauchungssysteme ganzheitlich bewertet werden können.
- Y. Wang, W. Xu, D. Schwede, T. H. H. Pham, L. M. Ngo, and K. Stergiaropoulos, “Analysis of Air-Conditioning Usage Behavior in Residential Buildings in Hot and Humid Climates: Evidence from Vietnam,” ROOMVENT 2024, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, 2024.
- Y. Wang, “Nutzerverhalten in Wohngebäuden im heißen und feuchten Klima,” 20. Hermann-Rietschel-Colloquium, Hirschegg, Österreich, 2024.
- T. Jourdan, M. Barghash, L. Siebler, T. Henzler, and K. Stergiaropoulos, “Regelstrategien für Wohnungslüftung und Heizung,” DKV Tagung 2023, Hannover, 2023.
- T. Jourdan, M. Barghash, L. Siebler, T. Henzler, and K. Stergiaropoulos, “Systemübergreifende Regelung von Wohnungslüftungs-und Heizungssystemen,” TGA Kongress 2023, Berlin, 2023.
- L. Siebler, T. Rathje, M. Calandri, K. Stergiaropoulos, T. Donker, and B. Richter, “A coupled experimental and statistical approach for an assessment of SARS-CoV-2 infection risk at indoor event locations,” BioMed Central - Public Health (Part of Springer Nature), London (UK), pp. 1–19, 2023, [Online]. Available:
- L. Siebler et al., “A coupled experimental and statistical approach for an assessment of SARS-CoV-2 infection risk at indoor event locations,” BMC Public Health, vol. 23, 2023, doi:
- Y. Wang, D. Schwede, T. H. H. Pham, T. H. Nguyen, T. B. Pham, and K. Stergiaropoulos, “15-minute measurement datasets from 49 residential apartments in hot and humid climates for hygrothermal building simulation and occupant behavior studies,” Mendeley Data, Amsterdam, Niederlande, 2023, doi: 10.17632/s9wkdww94w.1.
- Y. Wang, T. Henzler, D. Schwede, and K. Stergiaropoulos, “Einfluss des Nutzerverhaltens auf den Kühlenergieverbrauch in Wohngebäuden: Eine Fallstudie in Hanoi, Vietnam,” DKV-Tagung 2023, Hannover, 2023.
- Y. Wang, “Impact of Occupant Behavior on the Energy Efficiency Measures for Residential Buildings in Hot and Humid Climates,” Dissertation, Stuttgart, 2023.
- Y. Wang, “Robuste Bewertung von Entrauchungssystemen in Hallen und Atrien unter unsicheren Randbedingungen,” HLK-Brief 2023, Stuttgart, 2023, [Online]. Available:
Further informationen
Important information about the ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration industry sector are available at:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantinos Stergiaropoulos
Head of Institute