Absorption chillers and heat pumps
Absorption chillers and heat pumps are used in a variety of applications, such as building air
conditioning and heating.
An ammonia-water absorption chiller with a nominal cooling capacity of 10 kW was developed at
IGTE. The system is being improved as part of various research projects in order to reduce
manufacturing costs and increase the coefficient of performance and cooling capacity.
The operating conditions of district heating networks are subject to constant change, e.g. as
a result of decreasing specific heat consumption in connection with refurbishment of existing
buildings (EnEV). District heating networks must therefore be adapted to the new operating
conditions. An improved cooling of the district heating water supports this adaptation and enables
a lowering of primary-side temperature levels, reduces heat distribution losses, supports the
integration of low-temperature (off) heat sources and improves source-side heat supply. To increase
the efficiency of a district heating network, an absorption heat pump is integrated into an
existing district heating network and investigated.

Johannes Brunder, M.Sc.
Academic employee