Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are used in different areas to investigate thermal and fluidic issues.
In indoor climate technology, amongst others, the thermal comfort and the indoor air quality in rooms can be evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. Thus, it is possible to investigate and to optimize different heating and cooling concepts in rooms. Furthermore, different ventilation concepts can be compared with each other and their ventilation effectivity can be evaluated. Rooms or partial areas, both in residential buildings and in non-residential buildings (office buildings, schools, clean rooms, hospitals, or manufacturing sites), can be considered. Another scope are flue gas simulations, allowing for a sufficient fire protection in buildings or the disposal of harmful substances in industrial manufacturing processes.
Furthermore, computational fluid dynamics offer the possibility to consider individual system components (e.g. heat exchangers, thermal storage, switch cabinets, flows in air ducts or water pipes) in more detail and to optimize them regarding their flow behavior and thermal behavior.
Simulation tools such as ANSYS Fluent, Open Foam or Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) are used at IGTE.

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Henzler
Coordinator of Teaching; Team Lead